The Electrical Inspection
Perfect Time for The Electrical Inspection
Most landlords are proactive regarding ensuring the safety of their tenants and making a welcome contribution to the housing market. That is why the electrical inspection is important for homeowners and landlords. The electrical inspection is a thorough examination of your home’s electrical components, including the ground wire, outlets, wiring, and fuse box. Selling a home on the market is not a piece of cake because thorough inspections are required—one of those is for electricals.
PAT Testing is comprised of these three major steps:
These days, buyers are after their safety in choosing a new home, and they are eager to ensure that everything completes the picture of their new property. Homebuyers want to ensure that the outlets, wires, and other electrical devices in their new home are functioning and in a healthy state.
Now, let’s see when is the perfect time to have the electrical inspection:
Before Home Renovation or Upgrade
Deciding to renovate your lovely home? Well, have the electrical inspection first! There are two primary reasons why having an electrical inspection is necessary before home upgrades.
1. To ensure that the electrical system can support new electrical systems such as outlets and fixtures.
2. To determine if repairs or upgrades are needed to your electrical system.
Having the remodeling and inspection simultaneously will lessen the cost and time.
After Home Renovation or Upgrade
Home renovations can potentially alter the configuration of your home’s electrical components. As a result, an electrical inspection should be performed after such renovations are completed. It’s also a good idea if you’re adding or replacing a home appliance. If you’re planning to sell your newly renovated home, the electrical inspection is especially important.
If You are Living in an Old Home
Regular electrical inspections of older residential properties can assist you in ensuring that your home’s electrical system is still in good working order. If you are staying in a home that is about 25 years old or older, you should get an inspection every few years. Don’t be complacent about your electrical components because nothing can stand forever without having to experience damage or faults. An inspection is the first major step for electrical upgrades, and if you want to ensure your safety, this is the best consideration.
When There are Damages
Damages caused by drastic weather conditions can inflict severe damage to your electrical system and often they may not be readily apparent. After a raging storm, it is advisable to take a precautionary electrical inspection to ensure safety and determine the damages that can cause potential risks in the future.
When there are recurring problems
Are you experiencing sudden electrical problems even though there seems to have been no problem with your system? Well, you might be wrong about that. Because recurring electrical issues are a sign of damage to your components. Even if it’s something minor, such as light bulbs that burn out easily, it could be an indication of a dangerous underlying problem.
Please don’t be hesitant to have an inspection before it’s too late. There might be underlying damages somewhere in your system.
If you need professional help from licensed electricians, we are fit to do the job! We have multiple experiences and skills in electrical inspections. We do inspections for private homes, properties for sale, and businesses. Book now!